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Children’s Ministries

This ministry focuses on the spiritual development of the children through a wide range of fun activities,including Bible games, “Children’s Church,” and outdoor Sabbath activities.



This club works with parents of small children to instill in their children Christian and moral values. Children learn life skills and are exposed to life experiences through various kinds of field trips.


Deacon Board

The deacons care for the church property; prepare for baptism, communion; assist with member visitation; care for the sick and poor; and serve as mentors to young males.


Deaconess Board

The deaconesses prepare for communion and baptism; assist with member visitation; care for the sick and poor; and serve as mentors for young ladies.


Dining Committee

This committee provides food service for monthly church luncheons as well as holiday and special events.


Education Ministry

This department fosters academic excellence among youth and adults and provides scholarships for students who desire the benefits of Christian education as provided by Adventist schools. The department conducts an annual Education Emphasis Day as well as workshops and support resources for students and their parents.


Family Life Ministry

This ministry focuses on building relationships, bonding and fellowship in the church family. Some activities focus on the needs of married couples, parents and children, and all members of the broader church family. The committee sponsors churchwide retreats, relationship workshops, social activities and parenting seminars.


Health Ministry

This ministry’s goal is to promote optimal health and fitness among the members. The committee plans medical, public health and dietary presentations, and a physical fitness series.


Hospitality Committee

This committee rolls out the welcome mat each Sabbath, greeting members and friends. Committee members also coordinate arrangements for visitors to enjoy a meal and fellowship after worship.


Interest Coordinator

This ministry follows up with visitors and attempts to nurture a relationship with them.


Media Ministries

This ministry carries the gospel message and the BOL worship

experience through the digital media and through video streaming. It supports all of the worship services and special events at BOL.


Men’s Ministries

BOL’s Men-2- Life Ministries cultivates relationships with the men of BOL and plans activities that foster their spiritual development, including vesper and prayer sessions, mentoring opportunities, and even job seminars. 


Music Ministry

BOL has an outstanding musical ministry that enhances the worship experience of its members. Musical diversity is the core of BOL’s uniqueness. So in a worship experience, you will hear a rich mixture of musical styles, including traditional and contemporary gospel as well as majestic hymns—band, organ, and sax!



Much like the Boys and Girls Scouts, the Pathfinder Club trains junior youth in various disciplines that build character. Activities include camping, crafts, nature exploration, Bible study, witnessing, bike-a-thons, and field trips.


Prayer Ministry

This ministry promotes the power of prayer in the life of the members, their extended families, and the

church overall. 


Sabbath School

This is the instructional arm of the church, often referred to the “church at study.” The Sabbath School is committed to exploring biblical and doctrinal truth and showing how biblical principles can be practically applied to promote one’s spiritual growth. The Sabbath School offers classes and programs for all age groups.


Singles Ministry

This ministry provides opportunities for single adults to fellowship and nurture each other spiritually and socially. Various activities include Bible study and social/recreational excursions.


Social Committee

This committee fosters fellowship among members through its various social events, including the annual holiday party, game nights, picnics, and old-fashioned church socials.


Stewardship Committee

This committee promotes the principles of individual and corporate stewardship—that is, all things belong to God, even our “selves.” And God expects us to be responsible stewards over every resource with which He has entrusted to us: our time, talents, temple (body), and treasure.


Usher Board

Ushers maintain the orderly seating and exiting of worshipers and attend to their needs to enhance their worship experience.


Women’s Ministries

This vital ministry fosters spiritual growth and renewal among women and cultivates interpersonal relationships. The ministry achieves this through an array of programs, including the annual prayer brunch, women’s retreat, prayer and Bible study groups, outreach to women’s shelters, and an annual holiday event. 


Youth Ministries

This ministry nurtures the spiritual and social development of the youth at BOL. Activities include Friday evening youth vesper, Adventist Youth programs, youth Sabbath School, and social activities.


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